Shepherds hajj Package Deluxe (C)

40-45 Days

AC Bus

Regular D Category

13-18 May to 22-27 June

  • Makkah 300-550 M 2-5* 
  • Medinah 200-350 M 1-2*
  • Aziziyah Standard Apartment Building
  • Regular D Category Tents in Mina & Arafah with ACs/Air Coolers
  • 3 times meal by Desi Catering Company in Makkah & Madinah. 
  • Saudi Muallem meals during Hajj Days.


Economy Class ticket from Saudia/Biman/Flynas


Visiting Historical sites in Makkah & Madinah

Shariah Consultant

Dr. Mohammad Monzur E Elahi

Dr Rafiqul Islam Madani

Hajj Trainning

Extensive Hajj Trainings on Shariah & Practical Issues
  • Qurbani Costs (750SAR)
  • Extra return ticket for Short Package Hajis 
  • Additional trips to Taif, Jeddah, Badar, Museums
  • Pvt Transport for Airport Transfers
  • Any items/services not mentioned in the Package
  • 13-18 May (5-10 Dhul Qadah) – Departure from Dhaka 
  • From 13-18 May (5-10 Dhul Qadah) till 1-2 June (24-25 Dhul Qadah) – Spend days in Makkah 
  • 1-2 June (24-25 Dhul Qadah) – Travel to Madinah
  • From 1-2 June (24-25 Dhul Qadah) till 9-11 June (2-4 Dhul Hijjah) – Spend days in Madinah
  • 9-11 June (2-4 Dhul Hijjah) – Travel to Makkah (Aziziyah)
  • From 9-11 June (2-4 Dhul Hijjah) till 14 June (7 Dhul Hijjah) – Spend days in Makkah (Aziziyah)
  • 15 June (8 Dhul Hijjah) – Move to Mina
  • 16 June (9 Dhul HIjjah) – Move to Arafah
  • 16 June (9 Dhul HIjjah) – Move to Muzdalifah after Sunset
  • 17 June (10 Dhul HIjjah) – Move to Mina after Fajr
  • From 17 June (10 Dhul Hijjah) till 19/20 June (12/13 Dhul Hijjah) – Perform Hajj Rituals from Mina
  • 19/20 June (12/13 Dhul HIjjah) – Move to Makkah (Aziziyah)
  • From 19/20 June (12/13 Dhul Hijjah) till 22-27 June (15-20 Dhul Hijjah) – Spend days in Makkah (Aziziyah)
  • 22-27 June (15-20 Dhul Hijjah) – Return to Bangladesh
  1. Package prices are tentative and may change as per Saudi and BD Govt Hajj Policies.
  2. Package prices are based on Saudi Riyal exchange rates and may vary as per changes in Saudi Riyal rates
  3. Packages features will be finalized gradually based on availability, budget and our clients feedbacks and opinions, inshaAllah.
  4. Clients will be informed incase any changes occur in package features, inshaAllah.
  5. Hajj flights can be by Saudi Airlines, Bangladesh Biman , Flynas Airlines or any other BD Govt assigned airlines for hajj flight.
  6. All packages include regular tents in Mina & Arafah, category D, and for any upgrade (if available) additional cost will be applied.
  7. Qurbani fee is not considered in these packages. Qurbani coupon can be purchased @ SR 750 and we will help in this regard.


  1. Distances are measured from Masjid Courtyard to the hotel building point to point straight distance.
  2. Short Package Hajis need to purchase return ticket and it is not included in the package price.
  3. Ziyarah (visiting historical sites) in Makkah and Madinah are included in all packages except F & G. However, special arrangements for F & G can be arranged.
  4. Additional trips like Taif, Jeddah, Badar, Museums etc can be arranged with additional costs per person whoever wants to visit those places. 
  5. All short packages include airport transfer by bus for return flight, private transport for airport transfers can be arranged with additional cost.
  6. Flight Allocations are entirely upon the airlines, hajis with same package duration may get split into multiple flights.
  7. For SHP Standard package (D), 0* means non star govt approved regular hotels.
  8. For packages (C-G) 2-3 persons per room sharing is conditional and is based on room availability and room allocation by Hotel authority.
  9. Further Conditions will apply as per Pre-Registration Forms, Registration Forms and Final Service Contract.

Additional Information

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