Shepherds Hajj Package Classic (B)
- Duration
40-45 Days
- Ground Transport
AC Bus
- Saudi Muallem
Regular D Category
- Tentative Travel Dates
13-18 May to 22-27 June
- Package Description
- Route
- Accommodations
- Meals
- Common Features
- Exclusions
- Brief Itinerary (Tentative)
- Terms & Conditions
- Makkah 0-250 M 4-5*
- Medinah 100-250 M 2-3*
- Aziziyah Standard Apartment Building
- Regular D Category Tents in Mina & Arafah with ACs/Air Coolers
- 3 times meal by Desi Catering Company in Makkah & Madinah.
- Saudi Muallem meals during Hajj Days.
Economy Class ticket from Saudia/Biman/Flynas
Visiting Historical sites in Makkah & Madinah
Shariah Consultant
Dr. Mohammad Monzur E Elahi
Dr Rafiqul Islam Madani
Hajj Trainning
Extensive Hajj Trainings on Shariah & Practical Issues
- Qurbani Costs (750SAR)
- Extra return ticket for Short Package Hajis
- Additional trips to Taif, Jeddah, Badar, Museums
- Pvt Transport for Airport Transfers
- Any items/services not mentioned in the Package
- 13-18 May (5-10 Dhul Qadah) – Departure from Dhaka
- From 13-18 May (5-10 Dhul Qadah) till 1-2 June (24-25 Dhul Qadah) – Spend days in Makkah
- 1-2 June (24-25 Dhul Qadah) – Travel to Madinah
- From 1-2 June (24-25 Dhul Qadah) till 9-11 June (2-4 Dhul Hijjah) – Spend days in Madinah
- 9-11 June (2-4 Dhul Hijjah) – Travel to Makkah (Aziziyah)
- From 9-11 June (2-4 Dhul Hijjah) till 14 June (7 Dhul Hijjah) – Spend days in Makkah (Aziziyah)
- 15 June (8 Dhul Hijjah) – Move to Mina
- 16 June (9 Dhul HIjjah) – Move to Arafah
- 16 June (9 Dhul HIjjah) – Move to Muzdalifah after Sunset
- 17 June (10 Dhul HIjjah) – Move to Mina after Fajr
- From 17 June (10 Dhul Hijjah) till 19/20 June (12/13 Dhul Hijjah) – Perform Hajj Rituals from Mina
- 19/20 June (12/13 Dhul HIjjah) – Move to Makkah (Aziziyah)
- From 19/20 June (12/13 Dhul Hijjah) till 22-27 June (15-20 Dhul Hijjah) – Spend days in Makkah (Aziziyah)
- 22-27 June (15-20 Dhul Hijjah) – Return to Bangladesh
- Package prices are tentative and may change as per Saudi and BD Govt Hajj Policies.
- Package prices are based on Saudi Riyal exchange rates and may vary as per changes in Saudi Riyal rates
- Packages features will be finalized gradually based on availability, budget and our clients feedbacks and opinions, inshaAllah.
- Clients will be informed incase any changes occur in package features, inshaAllah.
- Hajj flights can be by Saudi Airlines, Bangladesh Biman , Flynas Airlines or any other BD Govt assigned airlines for hajj flight.
- All packages include regular tents in Mina & Arafah, category D, and for any upgrade (if available) additional cost will be applied.
- Qurbani fee is not considered in these packages. Qurbani coupon can be purchased @ SR 750 and we will help in this regard.
- Distances are measured from Masjid Courtyard to the hotel building point to point straight distance.
- Short Package Hajis need to purchase return ticket and it is not included in the package price.
- Ziyarah (visiting historical sites) in Makkah and Madinah are included in all packages except F & G. However, special arrangements for F & G can be arranged.
- Additional trips like Taif, Jeddah, Badar, Museums etc can be arranged with additional costs per person whoever wants to visit those places.
- All short packages include airport transfer by bus for return flight, private transport for airport transfers can be arranged with additional cost.
- Flight Allocations are entirely upon the airlines, hajis with same package duration may get split into multiple flights.
- For SHP Standard package (D), 0* means non star govt approved regular hotels.
- For packages (C-G) 2-3 persons per room sharing is conditional and is based on room availability and room allocation by Hotel authority.
- Further Conditions will apply as per Pre-Registration Forms, Registration Forms and Final Service Contract.
Additional Information
- Contact us
- Ek Nojore Hajj
- Hajj Map
- Complete you Pre-Registration
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Contact Us
- Hossain Housing, 17-18 Mirpur Road, Shyamoli, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 1207.